
Look Ma! No Hands! by Lily Worrall
Look Ma! No Hands! by Lily Worrall

He joined Instagram on Mother’s Day and posted an old Polaroid from his younger years, along with screenshots of his final text message exchange with his mother, and a broader note: “I’m sure all the cards, dinners, flowers and last minute gifts are appreciated but I’ve learned the best gift a parent could get is to simply know their child is OK,” read the caption. Early Sunday morning, the enigmatic, reclusive artist generously let us in on his emotional reckoning. His father, Lawrence Walker, died a year later. Sharon Benjamin-Hodo passed away on May 28, 2013, one day after André’s 38th birthday. It’s the kind of simple, beautiful memory that becomes bittersweet when ladened with the ache of loss. André and his mother enjoyed those tapes together.

Look Ma! No Hands! by Lily Worrall

He remembered that his late mother, Sharon Benjamin-Hodo, once bought Baker cassettes off a guy who regularly passed through the nail salon she worked at with boxes full of them.

Look Ma! No Hands! by Lily Worrall

He wasn’t, of course, talking directly about those things, but rather about the line of hand-drawn, bootleg Anita Baker merch he’d recently made. About halfway through an interview published in GQ in October, André 3000 blithely talked about mending himself and satisfying guilt.

Look Ma! No Hands! by Lily Worrall